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Toy Story Overloaded, and Disney Villains Unmasked | BoardGameGeek News

Toy Story Overloaded, and Disney Villains Unmasked | BoardGameGeek News

game: Maskmen” onload=”ImageResizer.resize(this);”/>
<img src="×150/filters:strip_icc()/pic3678408.png" alt="Board game: Maskmen” onload=”ImageResizer.resize(this);”/>

Jun Sasaki and Taiki Shinzawa‘s Maskmen from <a href="“>Oink games celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2024, and to celebrate — or in a case of complete coincidence — Oink has released Disney Villains / Unknown Order, a Japan-only release that features six Disney villains in roles formerly occupied by lucha libre wrestlers.

In Maskmen, players have cards in six suits, and while playing a round of the game, players determine the rank of these suits dynamically. Someone starts by playing a single card, then someone can follow by playing two of a card of a different suit, which locks in that suit above the first one. Over time, most of the suits will be ranked compared to one another, with players trying to empty their hand before others.

From gallery of W Eric Martin

• Similarly, Oink games has released a Toy Story-themed version of Sasaki’s 2022 game Order Overload: Cafe, which itself has been released in multiple versions already featuring burgers, insects, and games at SPIEL Essen 23.
As in the other Overload games, Toy Story: おもちゃの多すぎるゲーム (which the publisher translates as Toy Story: Toy Overload) is a co-operative memory challenge in which players see all of the items that they’re trying to remember, then those items are distributed to players’ hands, with you trying to name something held by others. The game includes seven levels of play, and like Disney Villains / Unknown Order, this title is available solely in Japan.

From gallery of W Eric Martin

• At Tokyo game Market, which took place on Nov. 16-17, 2024, Oink snuck out a new Sasaki design that still isn’t posted on the company website: TRND, a 3-5 player card-shedding game. I’ve asked Oink for more details, but maybe they want to be super mysterious about this release. We’ll see!

Update, Nov. 27: Oink wants to be super mysterious about this release for now.

(Image: Little Al)

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