▪️ In October 2024, I wrote about two titles coming from Spanish publisher Ludonova in 2025 — Masks of Nyarlathotep from Germán P. Millán and Juan Luque García, and Coming of Age from Dani Garcia — and just yesterday I covered the new edition of Junk Art from Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim that will be re-named Junk Art Revolution — but let’s see what else is on the Ludonova agenda:
▪️ Ten years after the debut of the deduction game Watson & Holmes from Jesús Torres Castro, the designer and publisher will release a standalone sequel: Watson & Holmes 2. An overview:
Look forward to new adventures, new special rules, and new challenges. Now you can play the game competitively, in teams, co-operatively, or solo. The game is afoot again!
▪️ Ludonova will release a new edition of Adamastor, the debut title of designer Orlando Sá that he self-published in 2017. Here’s an overview of that first release:
Each round, you must handle several threats to maintain order and prevent a mutiny that would end what could be a glorious journey. You must contend with adverse weather, unpredictable storms, and the unrest, fatigue, and disease that will spread among your crew as the voyage advances.
All of this is abstracted in a game that uses a deck of 54 cards, some markers, and one pawn to track the position of your fleet. Adamastor is essentially a hand/tableau-management game with multi-use cards that can be played in 15 minutes. Each card in play has the potential to help or hinder you during your journey. Different events will trigger when certain combinations of icons are in play. Most of these events will hurt, but some might help. The challenges that the sailors faced in these heroic journeys are also abstracted into a system in which you will gain traumas. These cards will increase as the game progresses, making your task even more difficult.
Masterful command of these cards will lead you to a successful voyage full of wealth and adventure, but be wary as danger and disaster await with every pull from the deck.
When soliciting playtesting help in 2022 for the new edition Sá wrote: “This new version doubles the content of the game and introduces narrative elements that will make each game unique while maintaining the core concepts of the gameplay. It introduces also a campaign booklet with a branching story.”
The 2025 edition
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