MK SPORTS INDIA Blog Best Board Games Penny Black: score this board (please)
Best Board Games

Penny Black: score this board (please)

Penny Black: score this board (please)

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Specifically, how would you score the "Super Squares" and "Sea to Shining Sea" cards? The rulebook is light on details.

FWIW, I think Super Squares should score 8 points and I think Sea to Shining Sea should score 14 points. This is based on my assumption that you probably shouldn't be allowed to count any stamp more than once for Super Squares (or any other card that scores for blocks or sets). I also think the two discrete blocks on the right side (purple stamps and 2×2 stamps) should both be counted, but the use of the word "A" (instead or "each" or "for every") introduces doubt about this. Do you think this card maxes out at 7 points?

submitted by /u/bandnet_stapler

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