Let’s take a gander at who’s passing around the funding hat these days or looking to do so in the near future:
▪️ Designer Hisashi Hayashi typically releases lighter games through OKAZU Brand, but his heaviest game — Yokohama — has been his most successful one, and he now has another involved game coming to market: The Treasure Ship of Zheng He, a 1-5 player game being crowdfunded by Japanese publisher Harvest Valley:
The game lasts seven rounds, with each round representing one of Zheng He’s voyages. At the start of a round, players visit the High Officials, choosing one of them in turn. The higher the rank of the official you visit, the better the gift that you must offer them, and the better the items you receive in exchange.
Whoever visited the highest ranked official goes first in the planning phase, choosing which leg of the voyage they will captain. More specifically, in turn players claim one of the 3-4 face-down voyage cards, with the leftmost leg being the first part of the voyage away from China.
In order from left to right, the appropriate captain for each leg reveals their card, takes the number of ships indicated, and places them on the main game board, leading everyone away from China. If a fork is present on the game board, the captain decides where the voyage goes. The voyage card might have actions on it, or the voyage might stop at a port, which also has actions. The captain places the lead ship token on the space they want, then all other players can choose one of the smaller action spaces — unless they have an “Emperor’s directive” that lets them use the same action as the captain. If you encounter pirates, the captain can try to fight or bribe them, moving up the military track or gaining rewards if successful, or they can decline to fight, which ends their turn.
Prototype components (Image: Mandy)
As you take actions, you can gain resources, gold, and weapons; trade with merchants; send out diplomats to raise your diplomatic level (which nets you rewards and possible endgame points); and collect animals, trying to cover as much of your player board as possible. If you have the funds, you can build a monument, which lets you repeat the action on which you build; build next to one of your earlier monuments, and you take that action, too.
Once all players have been captain in turn, you start the next voyage, and after seven voyages, you take a final trip to the High Officials — or by offering two of each rare good, you can get a grand reward from the Emperor himself. In the end, the player who contributes the most to Zheng He’s voyages wins.
▪️ Another Japanese design on Kickstarter is Compania, a game for 1-6 players designed and illustrated by Yog Akase that will be released in Japanese by Asobition (KS link) and in English by <a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepublisher/11752/level-99-games“>Level 99 games (KS link):
Use hidden dice placement to send your workers out to accomplish goals. Once the dice are revealed, if two or more players are competing for a space, the player with the highest value die takes it. Use your workers to grow your company’s buildings to gain greater income. Buy more land, develop factories, and create a network of airships to move your goods.
▪️ Punch Bowl — a 1-6 player game to be crowdfunded in the first half of 2025 — will be the third title from U.S. publisher <a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamepublisher/42739/runaway-parade-games-llc”>Runaway Parade games, which debuted in 2019 with Fire Tower from company founders Samuel Bryant and Gwen Ruelle:
Compete with the other factions to bring the most desired ingredients to three massive punch bowls before they’re served. Fish out your opponents’ fruits, add droves of your own, and introduce special ingredients to tip the balance. When each punch is served, the winner adds some to their punch cup, along with coveted ice cubes for varying bonuses.
Punch Bowl is easy to learn and quick to play, with beautiful watercolor artwork and deluxe components. It includes elements of area control, as well as a unique deck-curation mechanism in which players manage an ever-diminishing deck. Outmaneuver your opponents to win eternal glory and an overflowing cup of punch!
▪️ Designer Steve Sekula has two — that’s right, two! — bundles left in his Make 100 Kickstarter campaign for the newest starter decks in his Gem Blenders TCG, which he’s funded twice previously in 2019 and 2023.
▪️ Slightly more copies are available for another Make 100 project: Ordinary Me, from designer Vatcharis Thanomsub and Thai publisher Velalen. In this card-drafting game, you attempt to pick up money and matching trip cards without collecting too much panic, stress, and anxiety.
▪️ Cryptozoic Entertainment is <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cze/adventure-time-card-wars-2025?ref=bggforums” target=”_blank” class=”postlink” rel=”nofollow noreferrer noopener”>crowdfunding three new Adventure Time: card Wars “Collector’s Packs”, which is the publisher’s term for a two-player starter set that can be combined with other sets. (I’m still amazed that <a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/blog/1/blogpost/27401/game-preview-adventure-time-card-wars-finn-vs-jake”>my 2014 overview video of the first set — <a href="https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/144728/adventure-time-card-wars-finn-vs-jake”>Finn vs. Jake — has the most views of any video I’ve made, despite it having an atrocious thumbnail and being made without me having seen Adventure Time. I’ve now watched several episodes in the intervening years. It’s fine.)
Also amazing: One-quarter of the funds raised in this campaign — US$532,000 as of February 1 — has come from 222 backers of the US$600 “Everything!” bundle that weighs approximately 39 pounds.