Best Board Games

Emerge: do you ever Return games that you don’t like? (wife and I cannot agree!)

Emerge: do you ever Return games that you don’t like? (wife and I cannot agree!)

games that you don’t like? (wife and I cannot agree!)” title=”Emerge: do you ever Return games that you don’t like? (wife and I cannot agree!)” />


Hello gamer friends, help me and my wife sort out game Buying etiquette!

disclaimer: This scenario is specific to buying things from A****n in the US. when i buy stuff from FLGS, I never return things. small businesses are a whole different thing.

If you buy a game, open it, punch it out, play it once, definitely do not like it or want to play it again- what do you do with the game?

my opinion: put game on the "sell or trade someday hopefully" shelf

my wife's opinion: we've owned it for less than two days and it's in perfect condition. we can return it to A*****n and get credit toward a better game.

I grew up buying video game cartridges and the retail rule was once you open it, it's yours. even if you bring it back to game stop, you can't return it. you can only sell it as used. so I have brought that same mentality into board games. If I open it and play it, it's mine. and if i don't like it, it's my loss.

Wife says A******n is huge company and they don't care at all and there is no reason to Not Return it.

so, please tell me what you do in this situation?

and in case you are still reading, my thoughts on Emerge: nice components. love the meeples. the board is too long for most tables. i like dice placement games and i was into it for the first few rounds but then it felt like there was such an obvious Right thing to choose each turn. no decision space. no maybe focus on this or that. just like, get your meeples on the island in this specific order. I felt ok while playing it but when we finished, i had no desire to play again. i've seen all there is to see. no interesting choices. I do think it would be a decent game for showing new players a visually impressive but very easy game.

(anyone out there really enjoying Emerge? tell me what I’m missing!)

submitted by /u/FaithlessnessBest845

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