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Ask Ms. Meeple: Should We Change Horses Midstream? | BoardGameGeek News

Ask Ms. Meeple: Should We Change Horses Midstream? | BoardGameGeek News

Are board game rules the same as laws? Here’s the question:


As all game groups do, sometimes we find we are playing a rule wrong. Sometimes we discover it at the end of the game, but sometimes in the middle.

We have one player who insists we then play the rule correctly for the remaining turns, even if doing so negatively impacts some players more than others.

To keep the peace, I generally just let it go and focus on enjoying the rest of the game. Have you ever had this happen?

Your friend needs to understand that making arbitrary decisions — yes, following a newly found rule is arbitrary; the group doesn’t have to do that — is not fun in board gaming.

Our group generally keeps going with the original ruling unless it’s so minor it doesn’t matter. Having your position destroyed in the middle of the game because of something you had no control over doesn’t feel good. Hopefully you can gently explain that the rule will certainly be followed the next time your group plays the game, but for now let the group continue with the original rules for play that they were using.

The other way to approach this situation is to say that for this session the original way you were playing this rule is a temporary house rule. Then it can stay a rule in their mind while allowing players to continue with their plans.

Thanks for the question, and I hope my answer is helpful. Also, folks reading along, more questions via GeekMail are much welcomed!

Ms. Meeple (Jennifer Schlickbernd)

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