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Art by M.F. Husain | Modern master

Art by M.F. Husain | Modern master

The late M.F. Husain’s (1915-2011) painting ‘Tomare Salaam’ (Satyajit Ray) (oil on canvas, 94.5 x 47.2 inches) is a delightful example of one visual master depicting ano­ther in his inimitable style. Signed ‘Husain’ in Bangla, the painting shows Ray mid-gesture, several iterations of his hands showing “motion lines” la superhero comics. Ray is doing what he did best, instructing his cast and crew, bringing to life whole worlds bef­ore our eyes. “I am very grateful to him because through his films I have known India with a very deep insight,” says the handwritten caption at the bottom right-hand corner.

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