Best Board Games

[COMC] Been collecting for awhile, so why not share? (2 images)

[COMC] Been collecting for awhile, so why not share? (2 images)

Been referencing this sub for a bit and figured I would do some show and tell. Some games are represented, but not shown in their entirety. Most notably Dominion (storage solution under the guest room bed and empty expansion boxes behind the collection). Crokinole board is a Puzzler. games run the gamut… some chosen by me and my wife, some gifted, some old as time…

I have been in the hobby seriously for about 15 years. There are still a few titles unplayed (most gifted) that I would like to get to eventually. Recently thinking about starting an expanded gaming group upon retirement.

Bonus: My physical media collection

submitted by /u/user276

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