While the basic inside and outside bets on a French roulette table are easy to grasp, this version of online roulette also incorporates bets that allow players to quickly call out more complex wagers with specialized names. Learning these complex bets provides seasoned gamblers with lots of ways to play roulette and attack the spinning roulette wheel.
Neighbour Bets
A neighbor bet or split bet covers a chosen number along with numbers immediately adjacent on either side of the layout. For instance, calling ‘neighbors of 25’ would place chips to be bet on the split 23-24, straight-up 25, and split 26-27. This combines five numbers total. Neigbour bets make it easy to instantly bet multiple slots in one move.
Call Bets
Announced bets allow quick call outs to bet combinations in certain layout zones:
• The ‘series’ covers 0, 2, 3 trio
• ‘Orphans’ bets 1, 6, 9, 14 quartet
• A ‘zero game’ bet includes 0, 3 split, 12, 15 split, 26 straight up, 32, 35 split
• The grand series of numbers from 22 to 25 can be called out as one bet Memorizing these zone bets eliminates laboriously placing many chips spin after spin.
Full Complete Bets
Covering each section of the wheel, these bets are the pinnacle of French roulette wagering:
• The full complete bet pays out at 24:1 by covering all the numbers 1-36 with 36 chips (1 chip each number). The tiers du cylinder bet places nine chips to cover 12 numbers in around the wheel.
• Betting a table quadrant places 6 bets with 5 chips to cover 17 numbers in a zone. These maximum coverage bets demonstrate the vast flexibility of announced French roulette rules.
• “Third of the wheel” typically refers to the third of the roulette wheel, which includes the numbers 1-12, 13-24, and 25 on the wheel to 36. When betting on the third of the wheel, a player can win if the ball lands on any number within that range. If the bet is successful, it pays out at odds of 2:1, meaning the player would win double their original bet.
Finales en Plein
One unique called bet that is special to French tables are the ‘finales en plein’ or final bets covering multiple final digits:
• A ‘finale 4’ bets the numbers 4, 14, 24, and 34 together
• A ‘finale 7’ includes 7, 17, 27 as a bet
• Bets can even combine finales like ‘final 7 with finale 3’ Pay attention to digits patterns with finales en plein announced bets!
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